Dynamic Website

美 [daɪˈnæmɪk ˈwebsaɪt]英 [daɪˈnæmɪk ˈwebsaɪt]
  • 网络动态网站
Dynamic WebsiteDynamic Website
  1. The Research and Development of Real-time Dynamic Website in Intranet


  2. The Dynamic Website Technique Based on Active Server Pages


  3. System of News Dynamic Website Based on PHP


  4. Discussion on Dynamic Website Security Technology


  5. Build the Dynamic Website with Embedded XML


  6. This paper discusses dynamic Website security technology . A four-stage frame of Website security system is proposed and described in detail .


  7. Dynamic website often gets the essential data from database to create web page , so it will consume heavy cost to establish database connection between web application and database . ADO .


  8. In this paper , in the light of the specific conditions of the Alkene Plant , a real-time dynamic website is developed , the dynamic issue of data is realized and several methods about developing real-time dynamic website are discussed .


  9. Research on Dynamic XML Website


  10. Inquiring Financial Information with Dynamic ASP Website


  11. Research on Regional Tour Integration Innovation of Provincial Destination Marketing System & A Case of Dynamic Guangdong Website


  12. While several particular problems due to the speciality of the language encountered in the construction of the dynamic Mongolian website need to be solved .


  13. Therefore , we use the ASP technology , built a simple e-commerce to achieve a small dynamic business website - online shopping system , which enables the user registration , log function ; be able to achieve merchandise inquiries , ordering and other functions .


  14. Application of Ajax in Hubei Dynamic Electronic Map Website


  15. Dynamic interactive teaching website based on ASP and ADO


  16. On the basis of discussing the status and existing problems of library Websites , a new dynamic and multi-level Website content protecting model was presented .


  17. Web data mining has been an important application area of dada mining technology . This paper studies how to carry on the Video-click stream web log data mining of distance educational website and to find the regular patterns of users so as to construct a dynamic personalized educational website .


  18. Design and implement of dynamic maintenance sub-system of website information


  19. Using eBay open API , two different data extract solutions are given from the perspectives of items and users respectively to extract real , dynamic transaction from eBay website .
